德國新能源車eMove 360o

德國新能源車eMove 360o

  • 展覽日日期2024/10/15~2024/10/17
  • 地點地點慕尼黑展覽中心,
  • 旗幟媒體夥伴

Exhibition Dates & Hours:

October 15 – 17: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.

Fair Statistics:

200 exhibitors

Number of Visitors :


Fair Spotlights:

  • Battery & Powertrain
  • Infotainment & Connectivity
  • Automated Driving & Electronics
  • Mobility Concepts & Services
  • Urban & Mobile Design
  • Materials & Engineering


MunichExpo Veranstaltungs GmbH

Event Description:

The leading B2B trade show for new mobility. It is also dedicated to sustainable mobility solutions such as car-sharing and intermodal mobility. With its various platforms – the trade show as the annual industry gathering, the eMove360° Award for electric & autonomous mobility and the MATERIALICA Design + Technology Award, the eMove360° magazine with online news portal, the eMove360° Conferences as well as the eMove360° Club and the eMonday networking events – eMove360° is the umbrella brand for the New Mobility and an International marketplace that brings together offer and demand on a global level. The exhibition’s focus areas are: Vehicles, Charging & Energy, Infotainment & Connectivity, Automated Driving & Electronics, Battery & Powertrain, Mobility Concepts & Services, Urban & Mobile Design, Materials & Engineering. More than 45% of the visitors are International and 52% of the about 200 exhibitors are based outside of Germany. This is underlining the International leadership role of eMove360° for the mobility of the future.


對國內的汽車、機車、特種車輛零配件暨維修工具和製造設備等廠商資料,有著鉅細靡遺的介紹,此書早已在國內外市場上建立屹立不搖的信譽。 台灣車輛零配件總覽一年二期,出刊月分別為四月及九月,敬請期待。


在找手工具及其他手工具相關產業之產品嗎?千萬不要錯過「台灣手工具年鑑」。這本書讓您對台灣手工具產品有深入而完整的報導,內容包羅萬象,輕鬆找到您想要採購的商品,想要得到外國買主的注意嗎?快來跟我們聯絡,一起將您的高品質產品外銷到全球! ...(更多)