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GIN CHAN MACHINERY CO., LTD was established in Taipei, TAIWAN in 1988. With an expert team dedicated to Precision Accessories for Grinding Machines and Milling Machines in a factory of 5000 square meters floor and 70 employees.

In 1997, second branch of Gin Chan then established in Dong Guan City, China. The reason of the establishment is to expand the production in Mold and Die accessories as well as the sales increase. The factory consists of 10000 square meters floor and 200 employees.

In order to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the service, Gin Chan imported high precision centering grinding, CNC milling that made in Japan, Germany, Swiss etc… and the target is to provide the best continuous improvement, professionalism, dependability, and trustworthiness thus implement our enterprise concepts.

At present, Gin Chan owns 200 sets more of sophisticated machines covering 30 sets of high precision centering grinding, CNC milling machines in both factories in Taipei City and Dong Guan City. Nevertheless, Gin Chan have the capability in producing best quality, high production and OEM offering the best service to wide range of customers.

Managing Concepts
Continuous innovation as well as improvement in our management system is the key to increase higher efficiency. Providing value added service and our professional and high quality machinery tools and mold components to fulfill our esteem customers’ demands. Thus, customers’ satisfaction is of vital importance of building up fine business image and credit.


搪铣头, CNC卧式搪铣床, 平面磨床, CNC工具刀具磨床, 研磨机, 模具零件, 铣床零配件, 射梢, 日期章, 顶针, 冲压模用导柱, 标准冲头, 超硬冲头, 精密垫片/弹簧, 夹治具零配件, 灌嘴, 冲子成型器, 砂轮成型器, 法兰, 角度垫规, V型块, 万向磁性座, 块规, 正弦磁台, 工具万力, 增压虎钳, 铣床油压虎钳, 分度盘, 搪孔器, 铣刀夹头, 冲头, 合金钢, 砂带式研磨与抛光机, 冲子研磨器, 倒角机, 治具/夹具, 整流脱磁器, 搪孔头, 分度工作台, 电磁夹头, 磁性座

公司名称: 精展精机股份有限公司
