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Medical Taiwan Kicked Off on June 16, Highlighting Cross-field Healthcare Biz Opportunities

2022/06/20 | By CENS

During the period of uncertainty in which the COVID-19 pandemic first broke out, countries actively searched for preventive measures and solutions by applying innovative technologies and various preventive, inspective, and medical monitoring devices to combat the new, invisible threat. Over two years into the pandemic, the world is now seeking ways to co-exist with the virus.

Medical Taiwan, hosted by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), kicked off last Thursday, hosted for three days at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2, and for two weeks (June 9 – 23, 2022) for the online hybrid edition. The exhibition displays the lifestyle revolutions brought on by the pandemic, combining manufacturing, healthcare, textile, chemical engineering, and ICT industries, and promotes a platform to encourage networking across different sectors.

The exhibition's "New Healthcare, New Lifestyle" pavilion is a collaborative effort between TAITRA and the Taiwan Intelligence Healthcare Association, highlighting 19 products from 14 well-known brands, such as ASUS, Wistron, Acer, MSI, Wellell, Makalot, Taiwan Champ, and Asiatic Fiber. These products include personal health management, virus prevention technologies, telemedicine, smart monitoring, and assistive devices all presented in a simulated at-home and hospital environment.

The long-awaited "Beyond the Medtech" industry forum opens tomorrow, June 17, where experts from hospital management, technology, and startup backgrounds focus on the future of smart healthcare and telemedicine and on the challenges and opportunities brought on by the pandemic to the healthcare industry. In addition, a speaker from the globally-renowned Frost & Sullivan also offered insights on future trends and opportunities in the intelligent, digital healthcare industry. Lastly, second-generation leaders in the hospital management and healthcare enterprises shared innovative management practices and insights into advocating for a smooth leadership transition period.