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Kymyo Industrial Co., Ltd.--Pneumatic tools

Since its establishment in 1986, Kymyo Industrial Co., Ltd. has specialized in pneumatic tools for DIY and professionals with solid overseas footholds worldwide. The company now supplies air sanders, disc sanders, belt sanders, saws, drills, screwdrivers, wrenches, riveters, sanding paper and pad... 詳全文

Kymyo Industries Corp.--Air tools and spare parts for industries

Kymyo Industries Corp. was established in 1986 to manufacture air tools and spare parts for industries including woodcraft manufacturing, car metal sheeting painting, and car washing. Today, the company's product lines include pneumatic sanders, pneumatic wheel sanders, pneumatic polishers, ... 詳全文

公司名稱: 敬祐工業有限公司
聯絡人: 呂怡慧 (國外業務)
林秀雲 (國內業務)
