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Scratch-Off Lottery

Scratch-Off Lottery

完全客製化您的需求 獨創張張有獎,刮刮漆獎項變化萬千 專業SOP電腦配量,針對客戶需求 為您打造專屬的電腦刮刮彩券 獎項分配、店家配量、出貨包裝,完整SOP作業流程交給莫卡,讓您在行銷產品同時也能更有保障更安心。

Hidden Scratch-Off Sticker

Hidden Scratch-Off Sticker

Paste the sticker on designated product(ex: beverage cans),scratch and win the prize. Applied on packaging (can and scratch-off latex on the back sid...

Punch Board Game

Punch Board Game

Consisting of a number of holes, which was used once for lottery playing. Player is required to stab a hole from the board to win the prize.

Peelable Card

Peelable Card

Peel off from dotted line and win the prize. Multi-Peelable Card, a multi-player game.


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