GIAM MING ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. (Gye Tay Machinery Works)
2018/07/31 | By | GYE TAY MACHINERY WORKSGye Tay founded in 1975, specializes in a wide selectionof motor manufacturing equipment including coilwinding machine, dual flyer coil winder. We provide theproduction line planning and motor manufacture-abilityevaluation service. How to choose the machine type tomeet monthly quantities and customer’s quality target withina set budget is the challenge we look forward to.
Business Goal and Outlook-To achieve the customer high satisfaction and high machinequality, build a long term relationship with customers, andresolve the customer manufacturing technique problems.
-To research and develop high efficient (green) motortechnique for less global warming effect.
-To provide a customized automatic production line toreduce human operation error and improve productionquality and consistency. This fi ts high end motor productionsuch as compressors.
-To develop a production and quality management systemfor real time feedback and control.-To build a remote diagnosis system for better technicalsupport.
-To search future motor design trend such as hybrid carmotor and develop special motor manufacturing equipment.
Mechanical Design
-The Design Team uses ProE todesign machines/ toolings morethan 20 years and Intralink tomanage drawing versions andproduct life cycle.
-During new machine development, key part design wouldbe simulated for stress in machine structures and dynamicmotion before manufactured with FEA/CAE Software likesPRO/E Mechanica, for better product reliability and designeffi ciency.
Gye Tay Machinery Works
Giam Ming Enterprise Co., Ltd.
TEL: 886-4-2231 6811
Fax: 886-4-2231-8601