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Wei Chauan Industrial Co., Ltd.

Abrasive cloth, abrasive wheel, abrasive belt cloth


Wei Chauan Industrial Co., Ltd. was established in 1987 to produce abrasive flap wheel, abrasive belt, roll cloth and related grinding products, has long supplied products to domestic wheel makers to meet their grinding and polishing applications on their wheel rims, stainless-steel tubes and pipes, etc.

Considering the increased sales revenue, in 1996 Wei Chauan upgraded its production to semi-automated lines to boost production capacity and efficiency. In 1998, the company began employed self-developed production line for abrasive cloth. Since that time, the company has vertically integrated production from raw materials supply to the finished abrasive products that were completely developed in-house.

At present, the company's major export outlets include Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan and Brazil.

Wei Chauan Industrial Co., Ltd.

No. 52, Hsin Ji Chung, Tsaipu Li, Budai, Chiayi County 625, Taiwan.

Tel: 886-5-342-0638

Fax: 886-5-342-1209

E-mail: y0600101@ms11.hinet.net

Website: www.weichauan.com.tw